Chicago Avenue Fire Arts Center // Minneapolis, MN

Chicago Avenue Fire Arts Center // Minneapolis, MN

After the Leadership Team has addressed all six elements of the Exploration phase, you’re ready to make a decision based on facts and careful consideration. It’s about doing what is best for your organization, given your specific circumstances, at this particular time. A No-Go or Do Over decision does not signify failure; it means that you have made an informed decision not to move forward at this time. 

Are you satisfied with what you’ve discovered? Do you still agree that the project is needed, wanted, and possible? If the answer is yes, then Go to the next phase.

Does the Leadership Team feel that the case for a facility project has not been made? Does the prospect of a large project threaten to strain your resources and jeopardize your organization? If the answer is yes, your decision is likely to be No-Go.

Are there still important unanswered questions? Disagreements or red flags? Has the vision or the Leadership Team changed significantly since initiating the process? If so, then it may be best to take the time to Do Over.


If the answer is: 

  • Go – then continue to the Strategy phase.

  • No-Go – record the reasons for this decision and any future conditions that would encourage your team to resume the space-related initiative. 

  • Do Over – discuss the issues that need to be addressed, turn back to page 8, and repeat the Exploration phase.